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Landcent is listed on SEE New Technologies Board

On December 16, 2020, Shanghai Landcent Biotechnology Co. Ltd. was listed on the Shanghai Equity Exchange (SEE), N-Board, which represents new technologies. In 2020, the SEE marks its fifth anniversary – an organization set up to accelerate the development of modern service industry and advanced manufacturing.

Landcent’s listing in SEE (Stock Code: 300378) is testimony to the company’s agility and capacity for innovation. And it could not have come at a better time – with a peaking of interest in infectious disease and ways to counter its threat. Infectious disease R&D was considered an outlier 10 years ago when Landcent started. However, due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, it has stormed into the spotlight and will be a fast-growing sector for the next several decades.

“Landcent is doing the right work at the right time” says co-founder Arun Prabhu “and we believe among the right cohort – those who are doubly impacted by infectious disease and poverty”. COVID-19 demonstrated how quickly and the extend to which even otherwise resilient economies can be impacted by infectious diseases.

“Landcent’s research partnerships and the preferred in-silco method of active ingredient discovery is strategic to set a fast pace at the organization” concludes Arun.

After the listing ceremony, Landcent renewed it partnership with the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) to pursue the scientific and technological research and development of new generation of natural antibiotics and the discovery of new and natural compounds to tackle infectious disease.

To learn more about Landcent’s work or to explore investment opportunities write to us at info (at) landcent (dot) nl

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